Saturday, July 27, 2019

Software Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Software Engineering - Essay Example Progress tracking measurement The domains of software engineering projects are clearly defined in the knowledge areas of software engineering. Generally, it undergoes the different software engineering processes and different software engineering cycles. These knowledge areas, processes, and cycles are described in the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), 2004 Version. Specifically, software engineering measurement undergoes the following process: 1. Establish and sustain measurement commitment, 2. Plan the measurement process, 3. Perform the measurement process, and 4. Evaluate measurement. (SWEBOK, 2004 p. 8-6, 8-7, 8-8) In establishing and sustaining measurement commitment you need to: 1. Accept the requirements for measurement by defining the scope of measurement and committing the management and staff to measurement; and 2. Commit resources to management. (SWEBOK, 2004 p. 8-7) In planning the measurement process you need to: 1. Identify the information needs, 2. Select measures, 3. Define data collection, analysis, and reporting procedures., 4. Define criteria for evaluating the information products, 5. Review, approve and provide resources for measurement tasks, and 6. Acquire and deploy supporting technologies. (SWEBOK, 2004 p. 8-7, 8-8) In performing the measurement process you need to: 1. Integrate measurement procedures with relevant technologies, 2. Collect data, 3. Analyze data and develop information products, and communicate the results. (SWEBOK, 2004 p. 8-8)

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